Tuesday 11 December 2012


 Introduction of Citation

 This week was hardest week of all we have learnt so far .At first i was so confused of this lesson..latter on it was little Ok.This week is the about Citation and documenting information sources. I have learned so many things for this week. I learned the basic of APA Styles.
I came to know how to write a Bibliography/reference.It was so hard for me to understand the format.I came to know what is Plagiarism.

APA Format

  Learn what APA style is and why it is so important

  Learn about the standard APA title page format

  Learn basic documentation for books, journals, and websites

  Learn the differences between methods of source integration: summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting

  Learn how to use signal phrases and in-text citation to avoid plagiarism

 The lecture was so speed but I still could catch a few words. The lesson was not too easy or too difficult for me.I had a hard time to catchup the lesson.

Miss Asna a Small Request Me and my Friends couldn't understand much in this lesson can you please teache us again.

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