Saturday 8 December 2012


(WEEK -2)

Primary Source: is the first-hand information and it states what happened during an event or a period time.
 Some Examples for Primary Sources as follows
 • Diaries
 • Letters
 • Journals
 • Speeches
 • Photographs


 Secondary Source: is the second hand Information which express the experience and opinions of others. It is written after the fact.

 Some Examples of Secondary Sources as Follows
 • Journal Artists
 • Books
 • Radio and T.V Documentaries

 Tertiary Sources: is the collection of Primary and Secondary includes most types of references.

 Some Example for Tertiary Source as Follow
 • Bibliographies of bibliography
 • Directories of directors
 • Guides to the Literature


This session teaches us the services provided by the library for students. Some services are Leading Books, Printing, Photocopy, and Information Search and so on.

There are two types of Encyclopedia

 1. General Encyclopedia (Encyclopedia Britannica , Encyclopedia Americana)
 2. Special Encyclopedia(McGowan-Hill Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology, International Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences)

 Dictionaries This source helps us to find the definition, spelling pronunciation, Synonyms, antonyms and homonyms and so on.
 Some alternate names of Dictionaries are Glossary, Lexicon, Thesaurus, vocabulary.

 Year book: records the annul development of a geographical area.

Online Retrieval System 
  1. OPAC(Online Public Access Catalog)
  2. Databases
  3. The Internet 
Periodicals Publication
Published on a regular or recurring basis-daily, weekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, or annually.

We learnt 2 types of classification
  • Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)
  • The Library of Congress Classification (LCC)
We came to know the advantages and disadvantages of using classification schemes. 


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