Thursday 13 December 2012


This is the last Week I am going to do Blog.I would thank Miss Ansa for her helps and contribution for us.At I Didn't know what the Blog is.This is  the First Time I am doing a Blog.Its a Great experience in my LIfe.Hope IT would Help Me in Futre.I Learnt Many things From this Lesson.I really Feel very Happy about it.Again i telll this Thanks a lot For you Helps.May Allah Help U Too..

Information Analysis

This section gave us the idea of  why we must Evaluate the Internet Resources.Our lecture gave us a brief explanation to us on this.Through this lesson we came to know the uses of Internet Resources. This Resources is used whole over the World.there are many Users.This Resource is helpful for people in many ways in their day today activities.

  • This helps the business organizations,companies,educational institutions and also the individual people in many ways.This source helps them to become popular.
Then we came to know the reason to why Evaluation take place.our lecturer gave us many examples on this process. This make the use of Internet Resources more easier. This is very helpful and we are protected.

Then we came to know the criteria for Evaluating Resources.In this we learnt about the :

  1. Purpose
  2. Scope
  3.  Authority
  4. Audience
  5. Information Content
  6. Design and layout
  7. Access/Workability


  • IT is what The outcome we are going to get
  •  Resource should make their purpose obvious at first sight.



    • Scope is  in which we are going to focus
    •  Does the resource cover a subject adequately? 
                 Breadth:  Are all aspects of the subject covered?
                 Time: Is the information in the resource limited to certain time periods?
    • It determine the power.It can be shown in 3 ways 

    • Is this the official site of an organization or association?
    • Is the publisher a  recognized organization?
    • On which server is the site mounted? Is it reputable? Sponsored?
    • Does the address, specifically the domain, suggest the perspective from which the site was designed and does this suit our purpose?
    • Is Author/Producer  identifiable?
    • Does Author/Producer has expertise on the subject as indicated on a credentials page?
    • What are the author's professional affiliations?
    • Can the author be contacted for clarification or to be informed of new information?

    • Is the information credible and of high quality?
    • Is the information objective?
    • Is there an obvious bias? Is this site designed for promotional purposes?
    • How long has a resource been available (either in print or as an electronic version)?
    • Is the information verifiable?
    • Does the resource document the sources the information is based on and how that information was obtained


    • Audience are the users
    • The resource should satisfy the needs of the intended users
    • The user group should  correspond to the intended audience

    Information Content 

    • Is used to refer the meaning of information as opposed to the form or the carrier of the information

    Design and Layout 

    • Are the resources well organized and logically presented?
    • Are the individual Web pages concise, or do you have to scroll forever?
    • How big is the resource? - If a resource is particularly large, it should really be sensibly and logically divided into unique and separate segments of information with good navigation links between each segment.
    • Does the design promote understanding of the content?
    • Is a text-only version available?


    • The site map or table of contents, and an easy-to-use Search facilityI
    • It should look and feel friendly
    • Is it easy for the intended audience to connect to the site?
    • Is the site user friendly with an effective interface?
    • Is the design of the site linear enough so that the user can follow through and know that they have examined all components?
    • Is attention paid to the needs of the disabled -- Example: large print and graphics options;

    Finally i have finished the blog.I had a hard time in doing this because i did this in the library.I didnt have time because i was late to arrive here.I can do better if i have all the resourses.



    Truncation and  Wildcard 

     Together broaden  search capabilities by allowing to receive multiple spelling of a root word or stem, such as singular and plural forms.  Truncation is using a wildcard at the end of a root word to search multiple variations of that root word. Check a database’s help to identify a symbol used as a wildcard. Some  databases may allow to use truncation at the beginning of  words or within words, this way is called Internal truncation, consult the files help to determine the availability of this feature. 

    Truncation ; truncation expands the search to locate all words beginning with the same root, eg; teen* will return teens, teenage, teen, teenager.

    A Wildcard- is a special character, such as  an asterisk(*), question mark(?), or pound sign(#),  that  replaces one or more letters in a word. Usually a wildcard represents a single character. Then a wildcard is used in the middle of a word to match usually known variants of a term. Example;   wom?n  will return woman, women and women.

    Phrase Searching - This is when a searcher use a string of words  instead of a single word to search with. When using this way to search  expect  to retrieve fewer results. For the database to understand your search, you should put phrases between in brackets ( ) or inverted commas “ “.  In contrasting  if you don’t  put the words or phrases in a bracket  you will get different result you were not intended to receive. 

    Wednesday 12 December 2012



    For this week was the same like the previous week but a little details about APA citation. The lecturer gave us more exercises on this lesson for understanding more about the lesson.We did an exercise in the class it was a bit ok.after doing the exercise our douts was cleared.some parts i couldn't so  I asked more about this lesson in the tutorial class.

     we came to know how to -
    • Summarizing - Summaries are significantly shorter than the original and take a broad overview of sources material.                              
    • Paraphrasing - Putting a passage from source material into your own words.
    • Quoting- Use the author's words exactly and the quotation marks only for short quotations.
    • Referencing- A note in a publication referring the reader to another passage or source.

    We was so confused of doing our  APA report but after this lesson we got to know the way how to do that and also from this lesson we came to know how to write reference to our report .

    Tuesday 11 December 2012


     Introduction of Citation

     This week was hardest week of all we have learnt so far .At first i was so confused of this lesson..latter on it was little Ok.This week is the about Citation and documenting information sources. I have learned so many things for this week. I learned the basic of APA Styles.
    I came to know how to write a Bibliography/reference.It was so hard for me to understand the format.I came to know what is Plagiarism.

    APA Format

      Learn what APA style is and why it is so important

      Learn about the standard APA title page format

      Learn basic documentation for books, journals, and websites

      Learn the differences between methods of source integration: summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting

      Learn how to use signal phrases and in-text citation to avoid plagiarism

     The lecture was so speed but I still could catch a few words. The lesson was not too easy or too difficult for me.I had a hard time to catchup the lesson.

    Miss Asna a Small Request Me and my Friends couldn't understand much in this lesson can you please teache us again.